Get To Know Me...Shayla

"What up everybody, this your girl Shay, ready to slay, you already know what time it is....

When I think of Promised Beats, I am able to glance over my life and recognize and accept; the good, the bad, the ugly. Situations that I placed myself in, and others that forced me to grow. There were times when I had no idea what my purpose was; I had to seek God's will to show me SPECIFICALLY what He wanted me to do. To me, Promised Beats means that I am here for a reason, because of the breath in my lungs, the rhythm of my heart, He has given me a Promise over my life; the only way I am alive is because of the Beat of my heart. I knew then what He meant when He gave me the vision.

Click on the link Get To Know Shayla to find out more of the vision of Promised Beats.